European Western Balkans

Council conclusions on Bosnia and Herzegovina

BRUSSELS, 16.03.2014. – The Council welcomes, in the context of its conclusions of 15 December 2014, the adoption of the Written Commitment by BiH Presidency on 29 January, its signature by leaders of political parties and subsequent endorsement in the Bosnia and Herzegovina Parliament on 23 February 2015 during the visit of HR Mogherini to Sarajevo.

Having regard to the commitments thus undertaken by Bosnia and Herzegovina, and in accordance with its conclusions of 15 December 2014, the Council notes that the necessary conditions contained therein have been met and agrees to proceed with the conclusion and entry into force of the Stabilisation and Association Agreement with Bosnia and Herzegovina.

The Council calls on Bosnia and Herzegovina leadership to fully uphold its commitments and obligations, including those relating to the adaptation of the forthcoming SAA, and to remain engaged with the European Union under the renewed approach and maintain the positive momentum by developing an initial agenda for reforms in consultation with the European Union. This reform agenda, to be developed and implemented also in consultation with civil society, should include reforms under the Copenhagen criteria and agreed functionality issues (including the EU coordination mechanism). Meaningful progress on the implementation of agenda for reforms, including the “Compact for Growth and Jobs”, will be necessary for a membership application to be considered by the European Union.

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