European Western Balkans

Albanian National Convention on European Integration 

TIRANA – European Movement in Albania (EMA) has the pleasure to share with you an informative material regarding the process of European Integration. EMA in collaboration with its Slovak partners Slovak Foreign Policy Association (SFPA) and with the support of the Ministry of European Integration and line ministries have undertaken the “National Convention on European Integration”.

Being a unique model developed firstly in Slovakia and extended in Serbia, Montenegro, B&H, Ukraine and Moldova, the convention’s goal is to institutionalize the public debate in EU related issues based on the partnership of the government, civil society organisations and other stakeholders. It aims to increase the participation of all segments of Albanian society in the formulation and implementation of national policies, strengthen the capacities on EU accession negotiations and creating an interactive and permanent information channel for the public. In this period of the project’s implementation four Working Groups have been set up bringing together representatives of governmental structures as well as experts from NGOs, media, academia and the private sector. The working groups address the most challenging chapters in Albania’s accession process: Judiciary and Fundamental Rights; Justice, Freedom and Security; Agriculture and Rural Development; Environment.

Among topics addressed during the first phase of the project covered in the informative material are:

  •  Juvenile Justice and Rights of Minors
  • Migration and Asylum Policies
  • Food Safety Reform – PPP option to enable increasing the effectiveness of public services
  • Aarhus Convention and the situation in Albania

Other information regarding the Convention can be found on the website:  www.eurokonventa.al

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