European Western Balkans

McAllister: Integration will not be slowed down by elections

Niedersachsens Ministerpr‰sident David McAllister (CDU) spricht am 12.01.2013 w‰hrend eines gemeinsamen Wahlkampfauftritts mit Bayerns Ministerpr‰sid in Steinfeld (Niedersachsen). McAllister nutzte seinen 42. Geburtstag zu Wahlkampfauftritten mit bayerischer Unterst¸tzung in den Landkreisen Vechta und Emsland. Am 20. Januar wird in Niedersachsen der neue Landtag gew‰hlt. Foto: Ingo Wagner/dpa

BELGRADE – Serbia’s EU accession will not be slowed down by the early elections in Serbia, European Parliament rapporteur for Serbia David McAllister told the Danas daily.The decision to hold parliamentary elections is part of the democratic process and is under the sole authority of Serbia, McAllister said.

However, continuing the reforms before and immediately after the elections will be significant to keep the momentum going, he said.

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