European Western Balkans

Kukan: Serbia and Kosovo tasks are clear

STRASBOURG – Eduard Kukan, member of the European Parliament’s Committee on Foreign Affairs, chairman of the EP delegation to Serbia, commented on the European Parliament’s resolutions:

“Serbia is progressing in the integration process, witnessed also by opening first negotiating chapters. It reminds me of the period when the negotiations with Slovakia started. Therefore I can responsibly say that Serbia has still as a lot of work to do. Serbia must also focus on the strengthening of democratic institutions and the rule of law, on the correct functioning of justice, and on the fight against corruption and organized crime. Freedom of media which is for a long time under political pressure remains an important question. Serbia will also have to address its relations with Kosovo. This issue will be present during the whole process of the accession negotiations. The dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina should continue and the reached agreements must be fulfilled and implemented.” said MEP Kukan after the vote.

“Kosovo, like Serbia, has made an important step towards the EU. By signing the Stabilization and Association Agreement, the relations between the EU and Kosovo got stronger and reached the institutional level. Kosovo cannot remain isolated. We must create conditions, which will enable intensification of its relations with the Union. I see it as a chance for faster development of Kosovo. However this will be a long and difficult process.”

Eduard Kukan added that both reports have broader implications for the region: “I am pleased about the good news from the Western Balkans. It is crucial that the integration process is progressing, and that the two countries concentrate on the accession priorities.”

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