European Western Balkans

Zvizdić – Kurz: Thankfulness to Austria for Continuous Support

SARAJEVO – Chairman of the Council of Ministers of BIH Dr Denis Zvizidć met with Minister for Europe, Integrations and Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Austria Sebastian Kurz.

Chairman Zvizdić and Minister Kurz discussed the bilateral cooperation between the two countries, concluding that it is very good and without outstanding issues.

Chairman Zvizidć informed Minister Kurz of the current political situation in BIH and on fulfilment of conditions for submission of a credible application for membership in the European union. He expressed his thankfulness for the support the Republic of Austria has extended to thus far Bosnia and Herzegovina on its European way, saying that he expects the support to continue in the future, as well.

They discussed the refugee crisis in Europe, and said tha the issue of refugees has become the problem of the entire world, which should be solved as sonn as possible in order to avoid consequences.

The meeting was attended by Austrian Ambassador in BIH Martin Pammer and BIH Ambassador in Austria Tomislav Leko.

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