European Western Balkans

Zvizdić – Danielson: Application Submission Important and Historic Step

Denis Zvizdić and Christian Danielson

SARAJEVO – Chairman of the Council of Ministers of BIH Dr Denis Zvizdić talked today with Director General of the EU Directorate for Neighbourhood Policy and Enlargement Negotiations Christian Danielson, who congratulated to BIH for submission of the EU membership application.Danielson said that the European Commission will help implementation of all agreed-to commitments defined under the Reform Agenda.

Chairman Zvizdić and Director Daniels agreed that the filling of the application represents an important and historic step, and stressed that there are condition for a genuine breakthrough of BIH in fulfilment of EU membership requirements. The meeting was attended by Head of EU Delegation in BIH and Special Rerp4esnetative of EU in BIH Lars Gunnar Wigemark.

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