European Western Balkans

Žbogar: Political stability is a precondition for Kosovo’s development

Samuel Žbogar

PRISTINA – In an interview with KTV Interactive show, Head of the European Union Office in Kosovo/EUSR, Mr Samuel Žbogar, said that the European Union is concerned with the situation in Kosovo and where it might lead Kosovo and its people in the future. He stressed that Kosovo leaders need to find a way out and solve internal problems themselves by adding that EU is ready to help.

The Head of the European Union Office in Kosovo/EUSR, Mr Samuel Žbogar, said that the European Union is concerned with the ongoing political stalemate in Kosovo and urged the leaders from both sides to find a way and solve internal problems themselves.

“Political leaders should set the idea of general elections a little aside, and sit around the table and discuss what the way forward for Kosovo is. Elections are not a solution in itself. Elections could be a tool for solution, but there are also other tools how to achieve better situations in Kosovo,” said Žbogar.

The EU Special Representative in Kosovo said it is good that citizens are expressing their dissatisfactions with peaceful protests, but that the message of peaceful demonstration is unfortunately being destroyed by violence and the use of teargas in the Assembly. He also appealed on both sides to avoid the rhetoric which could incite violence. Asked whether he meets opposition leaders, Žbogar said he did not meet them recently but that he does not exclude anyone from talks.

The EU Special Representative in Kosovo commended citizens’ expression of their dissatisfactions with peaceful protests, though unfortunately their message was hindered with an immediate use of teargas in the Assembly. However, he appealed on both sides to avoid rhetoric which could incite violence.

Speaking about the EU-facilitated dialogue between Kosovo and Serbia, Žbogar said that the dialogue will last for as long as there are issues, and that it should not be seen as something imposed to Kosovo.

On visa liberalisation process, he said that Kosovo stands well and that Government took the issue seriously. He announced that an expert mission will come and verify achievement of the eight visa recommendations. Žbogar also said that EU does not demand ratification of demarcation with Montenegro in the Assembly immediately, but this is a criterion that will be monitored. He said that hopefully Kosovars will be able to travel without a visa during this year.

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