European Western Balkans
Belgrade-Pristina Dialogue

Film screening and a panel discussion on the Belgrade–Pristina dialogue to be held at LSE

Beograd - Pristina; Photo: EPA / Valdrin Xhemaj

LONDON – Screening of the documentary film „The Agreement“ and a panel discussion on the EU facilitated dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina will be held on 3 March 2016, 18:30 GMT at the London School of Economics (LSE).

Speakers at the panel discussion will be Sir Robert Cooper (LSE, former chief EU negotiator during the first phase of Belgrade-Pristina talks) and Dr. Joanna Hanson (LSE, Formerly at the Foreign and Commonwealth Office. Discussion will be chaired by Dr. James Ker-Lindsay, (LSEE Research on SEE, London School of Economics).

“The Agreement” is a documentary film by a Danish director, Karen Stokkendal Poulsen, which depicts the opening phase of the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue in 2011, held during Robert Cooper’s tenure as the head EU negotiator.

Film screening will be followed by a panel discussion featuring Sir Robert Cooper, former head EU negotiator in the Belgrade-Pristina Dialogue, Joanna Hanson, a former Western Balkans analyst at the Foreign and Commonwealth Office, and James Ker-Lindsay, the author of “Kosovo: the path to contested statehood in the Balkans”.

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