European Western Balkans

EU condemns attacks on journalists, calls for swift investigation

SARAJEVO – Journalists must be able to perform their work free from threat in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Attacks on media, as in the case of TV crews of N1 and FTV, are serious violations of journalists’ rights, as their safety is a precondition for free speech and free media, and as such a real cause for concern.

We strongly condemn all threats against media freedom, and urge the law enforcement agencies to fully investigate cases of attacks at journalists and ensure their safe working conditions.

Freedom of expression and freedom of media are major priorities for the European Union and, as part of the Copenhagen political criteria, a key aspect of the EU integration process of the Western Balkans countries, including Bosnia and Herzegovina. We are closely monitoring these issues in assessing BiH’s readiness to move closer to the EU. We expect full support  from people in positions of responsibility in achieving these policy priorities.

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