European Western Balkans

Council of Ministers of BIH on European Integration

SARAJEVO – The Council of Ministers of BIH took note of Information of the Directorate for European Integration on progress in fulfilment of requirements on BIH road to the EU, which indicates that 70 measures will be implemented at the state level by the end of 2016, in accordance with eth Action Plan for Priorities realisation in the process of fulfilment of related requirements to Bosnia and Herzegovina.

The reform measures in the competence of the council of Ministers of BIH will be implemented in the areas of public administration, human rights, minority protection and freedom of expression, functional market economy and ability of encountering competition pressures and market forces within the European Union, domestic market, sector policies, in addition to justice, freedom and security.

Reporting the realisation of the Action Plan measured will be due in May and September on the occasion of drafting of contributions and supplements to contributions of BIH institutions for 2016 Bosnia and Herzegovina Progress Report.

The directorate for European Integrations will provide the Information to the House of Representatives of the Parliamentarian Assembly of BIH.

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