European Western Balkans
European Integration

Miščević: It is realistic to see chapters opened in June

Tanja Miščević

BELGRADE – Chief of Serbia’s team in EU accession negotiations Tanja Miscevic said Friday that she believed it was realistic to expect Chapters 23 and 24 to be opened in June, although everyone was still waiting for Croatia’s official opinion.

“We have done a good job, which was confirmed by 27 member-states who accepted the recommendation of the European Commission. We are still waiting for Croatia’s official opinion on the Action Plan (for Chapters) 23 and 24, although we know the conditions off the record,” Miscevic told a press conference in Belgrade.

Asked if the European Commission could react in a certain way, Miscevic pointed out that chapter opening was no longer an issue between Serbia and the European Commission, but rather a matter of discussion between the member-states.

Asked if the chapters would be separated, with Chapter 24 opening first, Miscevic said that opening the chapters separately was not on the agenda, reiterating that she believed the chapters would be opened in June.

Asked whether the EU Council of Ministers could exert certain influence over Croatia, Miscevic said that discussions on those issues were already ongoing on both technical and political levels.

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