European Western Balkans

EC: Kovač's optimism is good signal that solution may be near

European Commission; Photo: European Union

TANJUG_maliBRUSSELS – Optimism shown by Croatian Minister of Foreign and European Affairs Miro Kovač concerning finding a solution in connection with what Croatia demands from Serbia to be able to continue its accession negotiations with the EU is a good signal that a resolution of the issue may be at hand, the European Commission (EC) has told Tanjug.
Diplomatic sources at the EC headquarters in Brussels say that discussion concerning opening Chaper 23 in talks with Serbia is currently in progress, observing, however, that for now, there is no change in the position held on the matter by the EC, nor officially in the position adopted by Zagreb.

The willingness to arrive at a solution is clearly there and discussion in this regard is currently in progress, the sources say.

The EC also say that, despite delays caused by Croatia’s obstruction of negotiations, it still remains possible to open Chapters 23 and 24 in negotiations with Serbia by the end of June, as indicated by Minister Kovač himself.

If there is political will, everything is possible, the sources from Brussels said, adding that it was in the interests of all that Chapter 23 be opened to make Serbia able to work on meeting the requirements set out in the frameworks of the chapters already open.

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