European Western Balkans

Miščević: Formal decision on Chapter 23 next Wednesday

Tanja Miščević

TANJUG_maliBELGRADE – Serbia’s Chief Negotiator with the EU Tanja Miščević expects the formal decision on the opening of Chapter 23 to be made on Wednesday, June 1, so that it could be opened by the end of June.

“The solution (for the opening of Chapter 23) will be presented to us next Wednesday, when the decision, the agreement, should also be adopted in a meeting of the Committee of Permanent Representatives which convenes every Wednesday,” Miščević told Belgrade-based broadcaster B92.

This means Serbia will be invited to present its negotiating positions and start the other part of the process, during which the country will provide European institutions with additional answers to certain questions, she added.

All this put together gives us enough time to remove all political and technical hurdles for the opening of the chapters by the end of June, Miščević said.

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