European Western Balkans
In Focus

Mogherini sends the EU Global Strategy to the Member States

Federica Mogherini; Photo: European Union

BRUSSELS – Ahead of the European Council of 28 and 29 June, High Representative Federica Mogherini this weekend sent an advance copy of the EU Global Strategy on foreign and security policy to the Member States. She will formally present the strategy to the Heads of State/Government during this week’s summit in Brussels.

Federica Mogherini was mandated to prepare the new strategy by the European Council in June 2015 (http://www.consilium.europa.eu/en/press/press-releases/2015/06/26-euco-conclusions/) and invited to present it to the leaders in June of this year. The strategy is THE result of an open and transparent process: over the past year, extensive consultations took place with the EU Member States, the European institutions (including the European Commission and the European Parliament), the European civil society at large, including think thanks. A dedicated website has also been set up: https://europa.eu/globalstrategy/en

The strategy, elaborated under the leadership of the High Repesentative, reflects the collective views expressed in the process and offers a strategic vision for the EU global role. In these challenging times, both for Europe and globally, the strategy highlights common ground and presents common way forward.
“The purpose, even existence, of our Union is being questioned. Yet, our citizens and the world need a strong European Union like never before. In challenging times, a strong Union is one that thinks strategically, shares a vision and acts together. This is even more true after the British referendum. We will indeed have to rethink the way our Union works, but we perfectly know what to work for. We know what our principles, our interests and our priorities are. This is no time for uncertainty: our Union needs a Strategy. We need a shared vision, and common action”, said the HRVP Mogherini

Read the full foreword here pdf - 157 KB

The strategy will be publicly available once it is formally presented to the European Council.

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