European Western Balkans

Brussels has stopped funding for Corridor 8

Maja Kocijančič; Photo: European Union

meta_maliBRUSSELS – The European Commission has decided not to finance Corridor 8 because of the problems and shortcomings in the transport sector in Macedonia, stated Maja Kocijaničič.

“The transport connectivity project which the country submitted, for Corridor 8, will be considered as soon as outstanding issues in that sector, such as sector strategy and coordination, have been addressed and the conditions met. There are many shortcomings in the transport sector that prevent proper sector planning and coordination. The country needs to focus on soft measures that will ensure the sustainability of large infrastructure investments”, stated Maja Kocijancic

She noted that the political crisis in the country probably left consequences in terms of the government’s commitment to priority reforms.

“The deteriorating political context is one of the reasons why the government and the administration have unfortunately not been able, or willing, to deliver on reform commitments or to demonstrate the necessary preparedness to plan necessary reforms or implement EU funds in these areas”, said Kocijancic.

The spokesperson for the EC also noted that more than 27 million euros will be cut from the programme for 2016 for the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia.

“In recent years and increasingly over the last year, the Commission has repeatedly explained its concerns to the authorities about the lack of preparedness and lack of maturity of planning in key sectors, as well as the lack of political commitment to deliver on necessary sectoral reforms or more general reform commitments. As a result, the Commission has now had to reduce the EU financial assistance which was indicatively foreseen for 2016 as well as decide not to proceed with another project”, said Kocijancic

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