European Western Balkans
European Integration

Serbia and Montenegro offer assistance to Albania in process of EU negotiations

Flags of Albania and EU; Photo: European Union

ata_maliTIRANA – Minister of European Integration, Klajda Gjosha, hosted on Monday the two Chief Negotiators for EU accession of Serbia and Montenegro.

The meeting with Tanja Miščević, Chief Negotiator for Serbia’s accession and Aleksandar Andrija Pejović, Chief Negotiator for Montenegro’s accession, focused on importance of the Western Balkans countries joining the EU and of all stakeholders getting involved in this process.

They offered to support Albania at technical level by sharing their expertise in the process of negotiations.

Minister Gjosha said that Albania holds out hope to open the accession negotiations with EU any time soon also considering this point as the most important stage of accession.
“We are quite aware it is a stage that first of all requires capacity building, preparation of Albanian society in its entirety, therefore any assistance and support from the countries that have gone through it ahead of us would be really helpful,” the minister said.

The Ministry of European Integration is in the process of putting the final touches to the Document on opening of accession negotiations, which will help set up all negotiation structures. To that end, Gjosha demanded the assistance of both Chief Negotiators to share the best approaches they have adopted.

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