European Western Balkans

Macedonian SEC: VMRO-DPMNE won 444.014, and SDSM 428.683 votes

meta_maliSKOPJE – VMRO-DPMNE and the Coalition for a better Macedonia has won 444.014 votes and SDSM and the Coalition for a life in Macedonia – 428.683, DUI – 85.774, Besa – 57.749, Alliance for the Albanians-– 35.103 and DPA – 30.971 votes, as was announced by SEC’s president Aleksandar Čičakovski, early this morning at the press conference after processing 99,34 % of the votes.

SEC announced that during the day they will come out with the first results from the early parliamentary elections and then the Commission will state its opinion with a mark about the election process.

SEC did not receive any objections about the voting process.

Also, they did not provide any preliminary results about the allocation of mandates (MPs) but they announced that they will issue a press release during the day because there is still a small percentage of votes that have yet to be counted.

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