European Western Balkans

Basha-Ahmeti: Albanians in govt. to guarantee Ohrid Agreement and membership of Macedonia in NATO

Lulzim Basha

ata_maliTIRANA – The DP head , Lulzim Basha, hosted on Sunday a meeting with the head of Macedonia’s BDI (Democratic Union for Integration), Ali Ahmeti.

DP head Basha stressed the importance of all political parties in Macedonia working together, with view to contributing to advancement of Albanians’ rights there as well as to meeting the unfulfilled obligations of Ohrid Agreement, the issue of language in particular.

Furthermore, Basha expressed his confidence that involvement of Albanians in the next govt. of Macedonia would guarantee implementation of Ohrid Agreement and respect for the Albanians’ rights, freedoms, as well as equality and accelerated membership of Macedonia in NATO, also in the interest of stability and the rights of Albanians.

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