European Western Balkans

Kocijančič: Brussels concerned over negative rhetoric and urges parties to act responsibly

Maja Kocijančič

meta_maliBRUSSELS – The European Commission yesterday urged the Macedonian public not to put pressure on the State Election Commission and the judiciary.

“The Commission notes the preliminary results and the outcome of the complaints and awaits now the outcome of the appeal processes. The relevant national authorities, including the State Election Commission and the Courts, should be allowed to work unhindered, free from pressure and political interference“, said European Commission spokeswoman, Maja Kocijančič, when asked by Meta News agency to comment on the protests taking place outside the SEC.

When asked to comment on the hate speech from the protests and the negative rhetoric from VMRO-DPMNE to foreign ambassadors and diplomats in Macedonia, the Commission pointed out that political parties should act responsibly and not undermine confidence within the institutions.

“We are very concerned by the tensions over the last days and increasing negative rhetoric. The Commission calls on all stakeholders act responsibly in order to strengthen citizens’ trust in public institutions and democratic processes“, said Kocijančič.

Brussels reiterated that they expect a swift establishment of the new parliament and of the new government and the implementation of reforms to address systemic rule of law issues, also through the Urgent Reform Priorities and to the continued implementation of previous political agreements.

The Commission also stated that they will continue to support the country in its European integration process.

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