European Western Balkans

Commissioner Stylianides to visit Serbia on 21-22 January

Christos Stylianides

BELGRADE – On 21 and 22 January Commissioner for Humanitarian Aid and Crisis Management, Christos Stylianides, will travel to Serbia, Delegation of the European Union in the Republic of Serbia states. The Commissioner will meet Serbian Prime Minister Mr Vučić and Minister of Social Affairs, Government coordinator for Migration Issues Mr Vulin to discuss the humanitarian situation of refugees and migrants and how the EU’s humanitarian aid can help.

A visit to a reception centre for refugees in the Belgrade area is planned as well as meetings with EU humanitarian partners who are working to deliver aid this winter.

The EU is committed to support Serbia to improve conditions for refugees and migrants. I look forward to discussing in person with the Serbian authorities how we can maximise our humanitarian response at this critical time”, said Commissioner Stylianides to the EU Delegation in Serbia.

The Commission has recently stepped up its humanitarian aid to help with the situation in Serbia, contributing to the provision of emergency assistance such as food, water, hygiene, essential items, health and protection at transit and reception points, including borders waiting areas. Since the beginning of the refugee crisis, both humanitarian aid and pre-accession assistance have been mobilised to help Serbia in this challenge, making the EU the largest donor in this respect.

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