European Western Balkans

Three chapters to be opened in late February or early March

Tanja Miščevič; Photo: Tanjug

TANJUG_maliBELGRADE  – Serbia’s chief EU negotiator Tanja Miscevic said Friday Chapters 20, 26 and 29 in the EU accession talks could soon be opened and that work on others – such as Chapter 7 on intellectual property – was also underway.
“There are various dates that are being mentioned, we are waiting for a confirmation: the end of February is one date, while some believe the beginning of March is better. We are ready for all three (chapters),” she told reporters during a break in a conference on Chapter 24.

Asked if progress in the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue could accelerate the opening of chapters, she said implementation of the Brussels Agreement and Chapters 23 and 24 was a benchmark of Serbia’s progress.

“We want to progress at the pace Serbia is ready for. I really think all three chapters could easily be opened as soon as the member states agree on them,” she said.

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