European Western Balkans

Vučić proposes regional customs union

Christian Kern and Aleksandar Vučić; Photo: Tanjug / STF

TANJUG_maliBELGRADE – Serbian PM Aleksandar Vucic on Friday handed to Austrian Chancellor Christian Kern a paper proposing the establishment of a free trade market and a customs union in the Western Balkan region, Serbian news agency Tanjug reports.
The idea is aimed at “bringing our territories closer together” and facilitating the flow of goods, Vucic said.

We are losing 7 pct of profits due to trucks being delayed on border crossings, Vucic said, without giving the full details.

He said he had conducted the first consultations on the English-language document with Bosnia and Herzegovina PM Denis Zvizdic and Albanian PM Edi Rama.

“It was my idea, to make a free trade zone and a customs union, which will make us a bigger, more attractive market,” Vucic said, adding this was the future of the region.

“The richer we are, the better for us,” Vucic said.

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