European Western Balkans

Mogherini in BiH: Strategically important that BiH continues on its path towards EU

Federica Mogherini in BiH; Photo: Delegation of the EU to BiH

SARAJEVO – High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy/Vice-President of the European Commission (HR/VP) Federica Mogherini continued her visit to the countries of the Western Balkans on 4 March 2017 in Sarajevo, meeting the Members of the Presidency of BiH, Chair of the Council of Ministers Denis Zvizdic and ministers Mirko Sarovic, Vjekoslav Bevanda and Igor Crnadak, and meeting with political leaders.

“In the past two years, Bosnia and Herzegovina has registered impressive steps on the EU perspective. This is already bringing some first signals, for instance in the economic growth”, Mogherini told a press conference following her meeting with members of the Council of Ministers. “For the EU, it is of strategic importance that Bosnia and Herzegovina continues on this path towards the EU with the same determination, unity and constructive attitude that the leadership has managed to show in the last two years.”


Mogherini said that this leadership and determination was recognised and acknowledged by the EU institutions, and that it constituted the basis of our common work on the European perspective of Bosnia and Herzegovina. “This common work requires consistency on the EU side. On the side of the institutions of Bosnia and Herzegovina, this requires sense of responsibility towards their citizens, unity and determination to continue with the Reform Agenda, and the EU perspective of the country”, HR/VP Mogherini underlined.

Mogherini recognised the country is faced with challenges, but reiterated her confidence that the leadership of BiH has the capacity, the wisdom and the responsibility to overcome and manage these challenges. “The EU will be at their side to make sure this brings fruit for the population of this country. What is at stake for us is peace, stability, security, economic opportunities for all of us, regional cooperation, and the reunification of our continent. This is a shared objective. You can count on the European Union to continue to work together in this direction”, Mogherini concluded.

Source: Europa.ba

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