European Western Balkans

Ivanov demands from world leaders to engage and condemn Platform

Gjorge Ivanov © European Union , 2015 / Source: EC - Audiovisual Service / Photo: Lieven Creemers

meta_maliSKOPJE – The Tirana platform is a document that represents an ultimatum and it has suspended the Agreement from Przino in which the European Union has invested all of its foreign – political credibility, said the letter that was sent by president Gjorgje Ivanov to the members of the European Council, the president of the European Council, Donald Tusk, the General Secretary of NATO, Jens Stoltenberg, the president of the USA, Donald Trump and the president of the Republic of Turkey, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, Meta reports.

-The Tirana platform became a condition for forming the government of the Republic of Macedonia. The platform is a post-elections document, adopted in another country, in a cabinet of a foreign statesman and with the mediation of a Prime Minister of a foreign country. This platform threatens the sovereignty and the independence of the country, by forcing Republic of Macedonia to a subordinate position or dependency to another country. The realization of the platform denotes changes in the Constitution of Republic of Macedonia with which the Unitarian character of the state will be endangered. This platform from Tirana is additionally destabilizing the inner-political situation and is increasing the inter-ethnic tensions in the Republic of Macedonia – said Ivanov.

In the letter that was sent before the meeting of the European Council, Ivanov is explaining that he, in accordance with the Constitution, has made a decision not to give a mandate for forming a government to anyone who is negotiating for platforms by other states, that will endanger the state’s unitarity, its sovereignty, and independence.

According to Ivanov, the only way out of the crisis is condemnation and rejection of the platform.

-I’m asking you to consider the real reality with which we are dealing with and to pledge this damaging platform to be publicly rejected and condemned by the European Union and NATO, including its member countries. Further, I expect that you will condemn the flagrant interference into the Republic of Macedonia’s internal affairs by its neighbors – candidates for a full EU membership – said Ivanov.

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