European Western Balkans

Chairman Zvizdić with Ambassadors of Finland on EU integration path

SARAJEVO – Chairman of the Council of Ministers of BiH Denis Zvizdić received in an introductory visit Ambassador of Finland in BiH Tim Rajakangas, and informed him of the current economic and political developments in BiH.

Ambassador Rajakangas commended the progress of Bosnia and Herzegovina on the European and NATO integrations road, saying that BiH has a honest fiend and partner in Finland.

Chairman Zvizidić and Ambassador Rajakangas exchanged their views on possibilities for further promotion of economic, educational and cultural cooperation.

Ambassador Rajakangas said his state is ready to support the development of Bosnia and Herzegovina’s society through more pro-active inclusion of youth in the democratic processes. They agreed that there are great possibilities of cooperation through student and professor exchange. They agreed that in the coming period a possibility for placement of more BIH products to the Finish market should receive more attention.

Chairman Zvizdić and Ambassador Rajakangas showed their openness for further improvement of relations between the two countries.

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