European Western Balkans

Rama proposes four new ministers

Edi Rama; Photo: Prime Minister's Office

ata_maliTIRANA – Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama and also leader of the Socialist Party announced the names of four new ministers as successors to the ministers discharged earlier, after a meeting held with the SP leadership on Monday, ATA reports.

Fatmir Xhafaj, currently chairman of the parliamentary commission on Legal Issues and Public Administration, proposed in the post of Interior Minister. Socialist Party MP Olta Xhacka in the post of Minister of Social Welfare and Youth.  In the post of the Minister of Health, Ogerta Manastirliu former director of University Hospital Centre “Mother Teresa” and in the post of the Minister of Local Government Minister, Eduard Shalsi chairman of the parliamentary Productive Activity, Trade and Environment Committee.

Besides Mr. Xhafaj that previously held a ministerial post as Minister of Territory and Tourism in 2002 and Minister of Justice, 2003 – 2005, the three other names have first time ministerial duties.

Prime Minister shall pass the four proposals of the government to the President of the Republic to decree.

PM Rama reaffirmed the dismissal of four ministers arguing that these changes were made due to 18 June elections by excluding any connection to the opposition’s protest or any request of the ruling coalition ally, Leader of SMI, Ilir Meta.

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