European Western Balkans

SDSM: Ivanov should stop stalling and immediately hand over the mandate

meta_maliSKOPJE – We call on Ivanov to stop stalling in an attempt to save Gruevski and the leadership of the VMRO-DPMNE of responsibility for crime and fraud, and to immediately give the mandate in order for a pro reform government to be formed, reads the reaction by SDSM after Ivanov’s cabinet released a statement saying “the obstacles in awarding the mandate still exist,” Macedonian news agency Meta reports.

“The only obstacles in the Republic of Macedonia are Gjorge Ivanov and Nikola Gruevski. The large majority of the 700.000 voters chose change, justice, unity and the program of the new government will make that possible”, says the reaction from SDSM.

Ivanov’s cabinet told the state news agency MIA today that the president maintains his position from his address to the citizens of Macedonia on March the 1st, 2017.

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