European Western Balkans

Žbogar: In Brussels there is a great interest about the situation in Macedonia

Samuel Žbogar; Photo: Tanjug / Oksana Toskić

meta_maliVALANDOVO – During his stay in Valandovo, the EU Ambassador Samuel Žbogar said Thursday that the Pržino Agreement has led to a solution, but there are still things that have to be implemented, Meta reports.

-When we look back at the Pržino Agreement we shall see that it was an arduous process but it has resulted in a solution. There are certain things that have yet to come out of it, the reformatory priorities. We hope that the next government will devote itself to fulfilling the reforms – said Žbogar during the promotion of the “EU for You” project.

When asked about the visit of the EU Commissioner for European Neighbourhood Policy & Enlargement Negotiations, Johannes Hahn, Žbogar said that it hasn’t been confirmed yet.

-We have no formal confirmation, but there is a great interest in Brussels about what is happening in Macedonia – said Žbogar.

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