European Western Balkans

Gruevski announces political document – “Platform for the preservation of Macedonia”

Nikola Gruevski; Photo: VMRO-DPMNE

meta_maliSKOPJE – VMRO-DPMNE are preparing a political document, where they will offer a way out of the political crisis, announced the leader of the party, Nikola Gruevski in interview Saturday on Kanal 5, Meta reports.

Gruevski announced that in the next few days, he expects the document to be finalised and he will offer it to the larger political parties as solution and way out of the political crisis.

“We are preparing a document for the preservation of Macedonia, it is a political document that offers a way out of the crisis. Through its acceptance, we can get out of this crisis, and at the same time not disrupt the unity of the country. The document, over the next week will be offered to all political parties and we expect them to accept it as a way out of the political crisis, said Gruevski in the interview.

The document, said Gruevski, was once considered by the Executive Committee of the party who gave suggestions, and during the upcoming week should be finalised by the working group and be submitted to political parties.

Regarding the visit by the European Commissioner of Neighbourhood Policy and Enlargement Negotiations, Johannes Hahn on Tuesday, Gruevski reiterated the three demands previously announced MP Aleksandar Nikolovski.

Gruevski in an interview said that the ultimate goal of the implementation of the platform of the Albanian parties is to change the constitutional name of Macedonia, Greece’s goal and the federalization of the country.

“It’s a plan that only the people can stop. In a situation when VMRO-DPMNE does not have the majority in parliament, we are left alone to defend the country, the people will have to defend the country. The country may disappear if the public leave this man (Zoran Zaev) to go through with his plan”, Gruevski said in the interview.

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