European Western Balkans

Mass inflow of migrants not expected, asylum requests on rise in Serbia

Migrants and refugees in Roszke, Hungary; Photo:Tanjug/AP Photo/Marko Drobnjakovic

TANJUG_maliBELGRADE – A sudden inflow of migrants is not expected in Serbia, while those who are already in the country are increasingly considering seeking asylum, the Asylum Protection Centre told Tanjug on Monday.
Every day, there are 6,500 – 8,000 migrants in Serbia, including around 6,500 at reception centres – which are about full to capacity – while the others are in the streets, Centre Director Rados Djurovic said, Tanjug reports.

Those people have no desire to stay in Serbia, but even those who have requested asylum find it difficult to obtain, he said.

Since the beginning of the asylum system in Serbia in 2008, only 91 people have been granted asylum (46 with refugee status and 45 with subsidiary protection), including none in the first two months of 2017, he said.

Over 12,000 asylum requests were filed in 2016, with only 39 granted, the Centre’s statistics show.

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