European Western Balkans
In Focus

Customs union to come to life in six months

Western Balkan Prime Ministers in Sarajevo, 16 March 2017; Photo: Tanjug/Dragan Kujundzic

TANJUG_maliBANJALUKA – A Western Balkan customs union – a single economic area of the region’s countries – could come to life in about six months, Banjaluka-based Nezavisne novine reports.
An agreement on coordinating procedures and documentation is likely to be signed at the next Mostar fair, the report said.

A customs union of Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH), Montenegro, Macedonia, Kosovo and Albania was discussed at last week’s meeting of Western Balkan PMs in Sarajevo as part of preparations for a summit of regional and EU leaders in Trieste in July.

Officials of the BiH Foreign Trade Chamber and the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Serbia met in Belgrade on Monday and agreed to initiate communication with other chambers to accelerate the process, the paper said.

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