European Western Balkans

Vetting in Albania: Assembly to vote ad hoc committees

Albanian National Assembly, Tirana; Photo: WikiCommons / Pudelek

ata_maliTIRANA – Albanian Assembly will convene in session Tuesday afternoon to vote establishment of the ad hoc committee to verify candidates for the revaluation institutions of Albanian judges and prosecutors, ATA reports.

The session agenda foresees voting on two draft decisions: “On parliamentary procedures for ad hoc committees functioning and performance of the voting process according to the law”, “On transitional revaluation of judges and prosecutors “and the draft decision “On the establishment and composition of the ad hoc committee to vetting candidates of the revaluation institutions.”

Revaluation institutions consist of three bodies: the Committee, the College of Appeal and two public Commissioners and their deputies, in total there are 27 members on these structures. But under the opposition’s boycotting condition, the establishment of an ad hoc committee remains tackled, having equal composition members, 3 + 3, from the majority and the opposition, thus halting its decision-making.

The opposition warned the boycott of Thursday parliamentary session insisting on the establishment of a caretaker government to guarantee free and fair elections, on Saturday.

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