European Western Balkans

Zaev meets ambassadors: Macedonia must continue with democratic processes

meta_maliSKOPJE – The Republic of Macedonia must continue with the democratic processes. This was stated at Wednesday’s meeting between the leader of SDSM, Zoran Zaev and the ambassadors of Germany, Great Britain, Sweden and the Netherlands in Macedonia, Christine Althauser, Charles Garrett, Mats Staffansson and Wouter Plomp, Meta reports.

“The parliamentary majority of 67 MPs is ready to realize the people’s will for change, which they expressed at the elections on December the 11th. The next steps which should follow, is to elect a new Parliament Speaker and a new pro reform government, in accordance with the Rules and Regulations of Parliament and the Constitution of the Republic of Macedonia”, said Zaev at the meeting, announced SDSM.

The meeting focused on the need and the responsibility of all political subjects in the country, institutions and individuals to facilitate this process, as well as “the consequences of the eventual possibility of unconstitutional conduct to the detriment of national interests.”

“It is necessary that Trajko Veljanoski and Gjorge Ivanov act in accordance with the will of the majority of citizens, and the opposition leader, Nikola Gruevski and VMRO-DPMNE to allow a peaceful transfer of power”, said Zaev.

The party added that at the meeting they assessed that the way out of the crisis is the implementation of the Urgent Reform Priorities, which will unblock the Euro-Atlantic prospects of the country.

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