European Western Balkans

Albanian Parliament’s session closes, no candidate stands for president

Albanian National Assembly, Tirana; Photo: WikiCommons / Pudelek

ata_maliTIRANA – The special session of the Albanian Parliament for election of the new President of the Republic was closed with no candidate standing for the post, ATA reports.

Speaker of the Parliament Ilir Meta read the rules the law carries for election of the president and later on he gave the floor to the chairperson of the Parliamentary Law Committee Vasilika Hysi who read the report saying that there was no candidate running for president.

“The committee convened today in line with the Parliament’s rules of procedure. The committee found that there was no candidate nominated. Under these circumstances, the committee, in compliance with the Constitution, presents to the plenary session the respective report that closes the first round for election of the president”, said Hysi.

Further on, Speaker of the Parliament Ilir Meta said that the first round can be considered completed and invited the chairpersons’ conference to convene to set the date for the second round.

The second round of the new president’s election will take place on Thursday. The conference of chairs, which convened shortly after the session that exhausted the first round, decided to hold the next session for election of new president on Thursday at 15:00hrs.

The lack of candidates for president has caused the first round of president’s election to fail.

Parliamentary Law Committee convened on Wednesday in compliance with the assembly’s rule and concluded that no candidate has so far come forward. Thus, the committee in pursuit of the constitution referred to plenary session the report closing the procedures for the first round of president’s election.

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