European Western Balkans
Belgrade-Pristina Dialogue

Kocijančič: EU expects Belgrade-Pristina dialogue to continue

Maja Kocijančič; Photo: European Union

TANJUG_maliBRUSSELS/BELGRADE – The EU expects Belgrade and Pristina to continue dialogue in the spirit of constructive commitment, European Commission spokeswoman Maja Kocijančič told Tanjug.

Although the Haradinaj case has re-escalated tensions between Belgrade and Pristina, the EC does not expect this to lead to a potential freezing of the dialogue on normalisation of relations between the two sides.

What we expect in the weeks and months to come is a continuation of the constructive commitment we have seen on both sides during previous meetings, Kocijančič noted in a statement sent to Tanjug.

When asked if EU foreign policy and security chief Federica Mogherini – who acts as a facilitator in the dialogue – had a plan for a continuation of the dialogue, Kocijančič responded that a date for a new meeting in the high-level political dialogue had not been set.

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