European Western Balkans

Žbogar: A lot of time already lost in Macedonia, forming of institutions to continue

Samuel Žbogar; Photo: Tanjug / Oksana Toskić

SKOPJE – The chief of the EU delegation to Macedonia, the Ambassador Samuel Žbogar, was the first person who met the newly elected president of the parliament, Talat Xhaferi, to whom he has expressed the EU’s readiness for a cooperation with him and the Parliament, Meta reports.

In a statement given to Meta Agency, after the Wednesday’s meeting, Žbogar said that a lot of time was wasted and that the process of forming the institutions should continue including the forming of the government.

“I came today to the Parliament to meet with the president Talat Xhaferi and to express our readiness to cooperate with the Parliament and with him on much-needed reforms in order for the country to move forward. A lot of time was lost and now it is time to move on, a time to continue with the process of forming of the institutions including the government so we can return to working on issues that are important for the state such as the reforms and restarting of the economy. We had talks with Xhaferi about his future work. Something that we think is important is to reach out to everybody in the society, the parliament and to bring everybody on board about the country’s priorities, which are also the EU’s priorities for the country to move towards the Euro-Atlantic way,” said Žbogar for Meta.

This morning, the newly elected president of the Parliament, Talat Xhaferi, entered the Parliament and its offices i.e. the cabinet that was occupied by VMRO-DPMNE’s MPs and the Coalition for a Better Macedonia, without any problems.

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