KRANJ – The European Union must learn its lesson from the effect of its previous approach towards Macedonia and the region, said Macedonian President Gjorge Ivanov in its expose at Saturday’s meeting of leaders at the process Brdo-Brioni, that took place at Brdo near Kranj, Slovenia, Meta reports.
He stated that the longstanding status quo situation with the integrations has deepened the crisis in Macedonia and has given an alibi to politicians to stray from the previously determined European road.
“One of the key reasons for the stagnation even for the retrograde processes in the region was the insufficient engagement and not enough attention from the EU. We understand completely that the EU is facing with more crisis, but at the same time EU mustn’t allow another Balkan crisis to happen” said Ivanov, and added that he expects Germany as a driving force in the EU to help the whole region.
The Macedonian president has stressed that the EU should find a creative way for the opening of Chapters 23 and 24, stating that the opening of the negotiations about the judiciary, the basic human rights, justice, freedom, and security shall give the necessary boost for intensifying the reformatory processes.
Ivanov has proposed that at the next summit of the Brdo-Brioni process, which should be organized in Macedonia, as a special guest to be invited the Prime Minister of Greece, Alexis Tsipras including representatives of Bulgaria as a country that is presiding with the European Union, official EU representatives and the King of Jordan, Abdula “taking into consideration the security challenges and the problems related to the migrant crisis as well as the need for collaboration with third countries regarding security.”