European Western Balkans

EU-Western Balkans Investment Climate Forum takes place in Belgrade

Johannes Hahn speaking at the conference “Towards a better investment climate in the Western Balkans” in Belgrade; Photo: Tanjug/Rade Prelić

BELGRADE – The conference “EU-Western Balkans Investment Climate Forum” takes place Thursday in Belgrade. The event is organised by the European Commission Directorate General for Neighbourhood and Enlargement Negotiations and it aims to raise visibility of investment opportunities in the region, to showcase investment success stories and to underline the importance of the economic governance agenda in the enlargement strategy.

European Commissioner Johannes Hahn and Serbian Minister of Economy Goran Knežević delivered keynote speeches at the beginning of the conferenceEuropean Commissioner Johannes Hahn and Serbian Minister of Economy Goran Knežević delivered keynote speeches at the beginning of the conference.

The conference takes place only two weeks after the annual Economic and Financial Dialogue between the EU and the Western Balkans and Turkey. It discusses the implementation of the jointly adopted country-specific economic policy guidance.

The conference brings together Western Balkan economic policy-makers, EU investors and regional and local businesses to discuss the importance of structural reforms as a means to improve the investor climate, as well as the involvement of the private sector in the formulation and implementation of structural reforms. In light of recent efforts to strengthen regional economic integration as a means to speed up economic convergence and approximation to the EU single market, the event host speakers from the Visegrad Four who will share their experience.

Among the others, some of the distinguished participants are Milva Ekonomi, Minister of Economy of Albania, Safet Gërxhaliu, President of Kosovo Chamber of Commerce, and Marko Čadež, President of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Serbia.

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