European Western Balkans

Žbogar: There is progress in Macedonia, but a lot more has to be done

Samuel Žbogar; Photo: Tanjug / Oksana Toskić

SKOPJE – Macedonian Parliamentary Commission for European Issues held its first session, during which the promotion of the European reformatory agenda was discussed, Meta reports.

The President of the Commission, Artan Grubi, has asked the Commission to adopt a conclusion in order for the Parliament to vote a declaration for speeding up the reformatory and the integrative processes for Republic of Macedonia’s membership in the EU. This proposal was unanimously accepted by the members of the Commission.

He stressed that the Commission for European Issues will work diligently and transparently, but that it will perform a parliamentary monitoring over the work of the government regarding the issues that refer to the euro-integrative processes in the country.

The Deputy PM for European Issues, Bujar Osmani, stressed that the government is ready to make the necessary EU-reforms in the forthcoming three months, before the local elections that will be organized in Autumn. He reminded that a draft version of the action plan has been prepared where the reformatory priorities are addressed.

The Euro-Ambassador Samuel Žbogar concluded that there is progress after the elections and after the formation of the new government, but it is necessary to work on the accomplishment of the reformatory priorities, as well as the remarks from the yearly report about this country’s advancement in 2016.

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