European Western Balkans

Serwer: Not certain that all of the WB countries will join NATO

Daniel Serwer; Photo: Tanjug

PODGORICA – Professor at the American John Hopkins University and expert for the Balkans, Daniel Serwer, believes that Moscow will never give up Montenegro and says that it is not certain that all countries of the region will follow the footsteps of Montenegro and join NATO.

“Perhaps all the Western Balkan countries hope this will happen, but so far only Macedonia and Kosovo have been committed to their goal of joining the Alliance when they meet the necessary conditions. Bosnia and Herzegovina and Serbia are hesitant, for obvious reasons. Alliance will be fine without them, but the big question is whether these countries would be better with NATO and are they ready for the necessary reforms.”

Asked to comment on the fact that Serbia will host the NATO military exercise in October next year and whether it makes it closer to the Alliance, Serwer responds that this country will consider all the options.

“There is nothing inevitable about joining NATO, it is an organization that accepts only those who are ready to make the necessary reforms and give a positive contribution to the Alliance. Serbia will consider all its possibilities”, Serwer said.

He explains that US Vice President Mike Pence’s visit went very well, with a clear reaffirmation of Trump administration’s commitment to the values of the Alliance and against Russian misbehaviour in the Balkans.

“The signal is clear: NATO’s door remains open to those who are qualified and want to enter”, Serwer highlighted.

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