European Western Balkans
Regional cooperation

Mogherini: The whole Balkans will be a part of the EU

Federica Mogherini; Photo: European Union
BLED – We are working on providing each of our partner in the Western Balkans to have a perspective for a membership in the European Union, said the High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, Federica Mogherini, when she addressed at the Strategic Forum in Bled, Slovenia.

Mogherini has stressed that the Balkans is already in Europe i.e. it is in the heart of Europe and that the Balkan nations want and deserve to have the same chance, the same security and the same rights as all other citizens on the same European continent.

“To me, it’s obvious that the whole Balkan should be a part of and it shall be a part of the European Union” – stressed Mogherini.

She reminded that this was promised for more than 3 years ago in Thessaloniki and that this unambiguous support of all of the 28 countries – members of the EU was repeated once again in March this year.

“I have set a personal goal that by the end of the mandate of the current European Commission in two years, we shall se a practical and tangible advancement of all our six partners from the Western Balkans, an advance that will make their road towards the EU irrevocable” – said Mogherini.

The High Representative also said that there were moments of deep political crisis in the region, but even after such a heavy year, all European partners have surpassed the difficulties and are continuing to advance towards the European Union.

“They did that becuase that was asked of them buy their citizens, especially the younger and the business population. And they did that in partnership with us, knowing that they can count on our friendship and to be part of the family” – said Mogherini.


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