European Western Balkans

Zaev: Real possibilities for Macedonia to recieve date for EU accession negotiations

Zoran Zaev; Photo: European Commission

SKOPJE – Prime Minister Zoran Zaev, in his speech in front of the Government building during the celebration of 8th of September – The Independence Day, said that in Macedonia there are responsible politicians who know what the citizens need and that there are conscious citizens that know what the state needs.

He also said that Macedonia has turned from a “country that is a generator of crisis” into a “driving engine for the development of the region.”

“There are real possibilities for Macedonia to receive a clean recommendation, and then a date to open the EU accession date negotiations. The hopes that Macedonia can become the 30th member of NATO are real”, said Zaev.

He said that a key test for that are the local elections, and the government is determined to organize and carry out fair, democratic and regular elections, with a zero tolerance of eventual misuses.

According to the Prime Minister, another test is the reforms in order to allow for an independent judiciary, objective media, independent institutions, as well as a development of good neighborly relations and a regional cooperation.

Except for the location in front of the building of the government, there was a celebration of the 8th of September at the Parliament, where the President Talat Xhaferi, in his addressing in front of the Prime Minister and the MPs said that the country’s strategic goals were set before 26 years, both on an internal and external plan.

“Internally, Macedonia was defined as a country that is based on the individual and collective human rights and freedoms, on principals of the parliamentary democracy and the rule of law, the respecting of the private ownership and the market values. At the same time, the society was defined as multi-ethnic, multicultural and multi-religious. On an external plan, a priority strategic goal was the complete integration into the Euro-Atlantic structures” – said Xhaferi.

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