European Western Balkans

IPA 2016 – amounting to 71,15 million approved following the request by Minister Dhurata Hoxha

Dhurata Hoxha; Photo: Ministry of European Integration of Kosovo

PRISTINA – During today’s meeting of the Government of the Republic of Kosovo, Minister Dhurata Hoxha presented before the Government Cabinet the Draft-law on Ratification of the Financial Agreement for IPA 2016.

Minster Hoxha emphasised that this financial agreement regulates the implementation of IPA 2015 program, whereby the first part, which includes 6 projects, shall help alignment with EU legislation, community rights, and increase competitiveness for Kosovan companies, as well as support better linkage of education with labour market and social policies.

Minister Hoxha reiterated the importance of IPA assistance and the benefits to Kosovo and its citizens deriving from such assistance, thereby urging for commitment by all institutions in implementation of this financial agreement.

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