European Western Balkans

Meeting on the Establishment of the Digital Summit WB6 Steering Committee

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SARAJEVO – Multi-Annual Action Plan (MAP) adopted at the Western Balkan Summit in Trieste this year underlined the significance of the Digital Agenda for the Regional Economic Area (REA) of the Western Balkans. Hence, in order to combine existing efforts and to develop recommendations for the future cooperation, the Declaration by the Italian Chair calls the Western Balkans to hold a Digital Summit together with the European Commission, the Regional Cooperation Council and business representatives, taking into account certain priorities identified in the EU Digital Single Market approach.

As the first step in planning and organization of the Summit this preparatory meeting is organized by the RCC, German Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy and German Committee on Eastern European Economic Relations with the aim to establish the Steering Committee which will be in charge of preparation of the Summit.

The meeting which will take place in Sarajevo October 17, will be attended by the Western Balkan 6 governments, the European Commission (DG NEAR and DG CONNECT), Regional Cooperation Council (RCC), the German Federal Government, the German Committee on Eastern European Economic Relations and industry representatives.

This meeting represents commencement of the MAP implementation.

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