European Western Balkans

Svilanović: We can be satisfied with number of chapters opened

Goran Svilanović; Photo: University in Graz

BELGRADE – Serbia has reasons to be satisfied with the number of chapters it has opened in the EU accession talks and to have great expectations for next year, says Regional Cooperation Council Secretary-General Goran Svilanović.

The year that is about to end was both difficult and successful, and its highlight was the message of European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker, who mentioned Serbia and Montenegro in the context of accession by 2025, he said.

“The year was difficult in the sense that, in light of some recent developments in the region, a multitude of issues remains on which there are no real agreements, and it was good in the sense of regional cooperation and the Trieste summit, where consent was given for the creation of a regional economic area,” Svilanović said at a conference titled Investing in the Western Balkans’ European Future.

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