European Western Balkans

Ćerimagić: Bosnia and Herzegovina is losing time

SARAJEVO – Bosnia and Herzegovina is losing time, said analyst from the European Stability Initiative, Adnan Ćerimagić, in an interview for N1.

He explains that Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) is known for losing time when it comes to the EU integration, in relation to its neighbours, since the countries in the region provided answers to on the European Commission’s questionnaire in a period of three months, while BiH still waits gathers the answers.

“We have been working on the questionnaire and this could potentially be good for BiH. We have had a situation where more than 1000 people are involved in the gathering of information for the European Commission,” said Ćerimagić, adding that it definitely slowed down the whole process.

While the European Commission announced the publishing of the Strategy for enlargement in February, which will lay out the plan for the successful accession of Montenegro and Serbia by 2025, Ćerimagić says that BiH is not in that circle yet.

“BiH is not harmonized with the EU standards and EU legislation and is currently the most unharmonized country in the region,” he states.

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