European Western Balkans

Zaev: I am optimist that national consensus about name can be reached

Zoran Zaev; Photo: Tanjug / Dragan Kujundžić

SKOPJE – I am an optimist that it is possible for a national consensus to be reached regarding this issue, said Prime Minister of Macedonia Zoran Zaev after the five-hour coordinative meeting between the country’s political leaders where the proposals by mediator Matthew Nimetz about the name dispute were discussed.

“This process requires inclusivity, dedication, and political responsibility in order to build a national consensus in Macedonia. In order to achieve that, a political will and courage will be needed,” said Zaev after the meeting.

When asked whether there will be any new meetings, the PM said that “there certainly will be.”

VMRO-DPMNE’s party leader, Hristijan Mickoski stated that at the meeting he was presented with Nimetz’s proposal, which, as he said, was more or less known to the general public in Macedonia and also said that in this moment “the whole responsibility is on the Government how it will lead the process.”

The country’s president, Gjorge Ivanov said that he cannot disclose more details about what was discussed, but he said that he is a “realist with an experience.”

DUI’s party leader, Ali Ahmeti said that this was one of the most fruitful meetings regarding this issue.

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