European Western Balkans

Žbogar: Negotiations with Greece are promising, we are hoping for a happy ending

Samuel Žbogar; Photo: Tanjug / Oksana Toskić

SKOPJE – The good neighbourly relations are one of the principles of the European Union and all bilateral issues of the countries have to be resolved before their accession in the EU, stressed today the Head of the EU’s delegation in Macedonia, Samuel Žbogar after the presentation of European Commission’s Western Balkan Strategy in Strasburg.

“The government began the negotiations with Greece. That is encouraging and it’s good to have a dialogue. We are hoping that the process will have a happy ending. We are part of the negotiations that are led under the supervision of the United Nation. But we are encouraging both sides to reach a solution,”  said Žbogar, who also said that the Agreement with Bulgaria is very important because Macedonia after its signing has a great friend in the EU.

He stressed that 2018 is a key year because it is the last from Commissioner Johannes Hahn’s mandate, because Bulgaria and Austria are presiding with the Union and because neither Macedonia nor Greece do not have elections and the politicians can easily make their decisions.

According to him, the year of 2025 as an enlargement date is very ambitious, but a potential date and he also said that it all depends on the countries on basis of their merits.

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