European Western Balkans

Debate “EU Enlargement Strategy – Challenges and Perspectives”

BRUGES – On 20 April 2018, the debate dealing with the EU integration entitled ‘EU Enlargement Strategy – Challenges and Perspectives’ will be held at the College of Europe Bruges campus. The debate is part of the Balkan national week, organised by the students from Albania, Bulgaria, Croatia, Macedonia, Moldova, Romania, Serbia, and Slovenia.

The speakers of the debate will be Tanja Miščević, Chief Negotiator for Serbia’s accession negotiations with the EU, Eduard Auer, Head of Division Western Balkans at EEAS, Myriam Ferran, Director for Strategy and Turkey at DG NEAR and Srđan Cvijić, Senior Analyst at Open Society European Policy Institute.

They will address the issues of EU enlargement in the light of the new EU Enlargement Strategy, as well as main issues and challenges on that path. Moreover, the complex regional relations in the Western Balkan, reflections on Serbia-Kosovo dialogue, Macedonia name dispute and the role of the EU will be discussed.

The official media partner of the event is European Western Balkans portal.

You can register at the following link: https://www.coleurope.eu/events/eu-enlargement-challenges-and-perspectives

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