European Western Balkans
News in brief

Brdo-Brioni Summit today in Skopje

Leaders from the Western Balkan countries as well as leaders from Slovenia and Croatia will attend Brdo-Brioni Summit in Skopje on 27 April. President of European Commission, Donald Tusk, who is currently on his Western Balkans trip, will also participate in this Summit. Objectives of this meeting are to strengthen political dialogue, increase the levels of trust and promote the resolution of outstanding bilateral and regional issues, as well as preparation for following Summit in Sofia. For Macedonia, as it is said from President’s Office, this following meeting “confirms our belief that the initiative is moving in the right direction and provides specific and visible results, overcoming the open bilateral issues, but also tackling the challenges of the region as a whole”. The Brdo-Brioni process was held for the first time in 2013 on Slovenians and Croatian s initiative. The main aims were EU integration of the region and stabilization of the WB situation through regional cooperation. Whit the EU integration process, this Summit became meeting for regular and continuous political dialogue and a place for resolving open bilateral challenges as well as tackling the regional ones.

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